Larry Freeman Painting

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Homosassa, Florida ~ House Painter

Freeman Painting offers highly professional customized residential interior and exterior house painting in Homosassa, Crystal River, Weeki Wachee, Inverness, Sugarmill Woods, Beverly Hills, and the surounding areas in Florida. We are Homosassa Florida house painters that care about the environment.

Freeman Painting specializes in environmentally friendly house painting as well as painting products that inhibit the growth of mold and mildew on walls. These paints are exceptionally important with the humidity levels commonly found in Florida, and are a tremendous asset to bathrooms, kitchens, and areas of the home with less ventalation.

Because we care about the environment we also offer environmentally friendly paints that do not contain VOC’s (volatile organic compounds) the stuff that makes paint, and your home, smell bad. The EPA states that, “VOCs include a variety of chemicals, some of which may have short- and long-term adverse health effects. Concentrations of many VOCs are consistently higher indoors (up to ten times higher) than outdoors.” These compounds were once needed to give paint its color. Today, however, these compounds are no longer necessary, and most times low and Non-VOC paints perform significantly better than the older VOC containing products. New truly organic paints definitely clear the air, making your personal environment less environmentally and odor toxic, they are great for homes, schools, and offices. We offer these painting services in Denver, Arvada, Wheatridge, Conifer, Golden, Boulder, and Evergreen Colorado so please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about your house painting needs.

The Freeman Family has been in the house painting business since 1892 when my grandfather first came to this country. With 20 years of personal experience and over 100 years combined family experience to draw upon, we provide the highest quality services, and we only hire the best. Thorough clean up and a high level of customer satisfaction are stressed.

We have recently moved into the Homosassa area from Denver, Colorado where we were the first environmentally friendly “green” paint company and have been for the last 12 years. With six long months of down time painting we have made the move here to a warmer climate and have brought our expertise with us.

The company is licensed and insured, all of our work is guaranteed. We consider ourselves to be the one of the finest Homosassa, Florida house painters available, yet we still offer exceptional rates. Call today for a free house painting estimate.

Freeman Painting – Larry Freeman at 352-231-5028 or email us at

We offer Homosassa, Florida house painting services as well as Crystal River, Weeki Wachee, Inverness, Sugarmill Woods, Beverly Hills, and the surounding areas in Florida.

Don’t wait for me to inherit the business – my dad can paint too! So call today.

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